
How To Make The Most Money Truck Driving

Trucking tin be a lucrative career. Drivers tin make upwards of $lx,000 a year, depending on their load type, mileage, licensing and experience. Whether you lot're interested in joining the manufacture or are experienced and looking for new piece of work, you probably want to know what the best driving jobs are.

Technology can help improve commuter retention by assuasive fleets to incentivize drivers. Paradigm: Jim Allen/FreightWaves

Many of the highest-paying trucking jobs involve moving unsafe or difficult loads or navigating riskier terrain. Generally speaking, the more than skill required to do a job, the higher information technology volition pay. If you have the right feel and certifications, there are many valuable opportunities in the trucking concern.

Hither are nine of the highest-paying jobs in trucking you may consider.

1. Water ice route trucking

Ice road truckers tin can earn between $30,000 and $40,000 in only 3 months, making them some of the highest-paid drivers there are. Nevertheless, this impressive salary comes at a cost. Water ice road trucking tin can exist a dangerous job.

Image: Alex Debogorski

These truckers drive beyond frozen roads in northern Canada to deliver goods to miners in winter. Given the danger of these roads, the drivers who navigate them must be highly qualified. Different shipping companies have varied qualifications, but nearly truckers who employ for these positions don't go the job.

If you practise take the right qualifications and get hired, water ice road trucking, although seasonal, tin be notably lucrative.

2. Hazmat hauling

Image: Jim Allen/FreightWaves

Some other more dangerous only profitable trucking chore is hazmat hauling. Hazmat trucking involves transporting hazardous materials such every bit gases, combustible liquids or corrosive substances. These volatile loads require actress intendance to deliver safely, and then drivers are compensated well.

If this is what you lot want to do, you'll demand hazmat endorsement on pinnacle of your CDL. This requires an application and passing a test, but many companies will pay for you to get certified since these drivers are in need.

3. Tanker hauling

Liquids don't take to be chancy for you to go paid well for shipping them. While some tanker drivers practice haul unsafe liquids, some deliver things like water or milk. A significant corporeality of any fluid can be hard to transport, which is why tanker truckers earn $60,000 a year on average.

To bulldoze a tanker truck, y'all'll need one of ii certifications: an Northward endorsement or an 10 endorsement. An N endorsement qualifies you to drive loads of 1,000 gallons or more. An 10 endorsement includes an Due north endorsement and a hazmat certification.

four. Oversized load hauling

Epitome: Jim Allen/FreightWaves

Another trucking job requiring additional certifications is oversized load hauling. These truckers deal with extra large loads, such as shipping heavy construction equipment or even small houses. Unsurprisingly, pulling these enormous payloads requires a high level of skill, which is why oversized load truckers get competitive pay.

Oversized load truckers make an average of more than $54,000 a twelvemonth, and can fifty-fifty make six figures with the correct feel, visitor and drive time.

5. Luxury car hauling

It stands to reason that the more expensive your cargo, the more it pays to deliver it. This is undoubtedly the case with luxury cars, every bit truckers transporting them can earn $100,000 annually under the right circumstances.

Image: Jim Allen/FreightWaves

Hauling expensive cars is an understandably meticulous job. While you don't need any certifications to perform this job, you do demand to take demonstrable skills. Companies will likely not hire you for this kind of trucking unless y'all have an impressive driving tape.

6. Squad driving

To shorten shipping times, many companies hire drivers in pairs. In squad driving, ane person takes the wheel while the other sleeps, assuasive them to travel longer distances in shorter periods. These positions often pay more than than solo jobs due to the higher mileage.

Prototype: Jim Allen/FreightWaves

Team driving jobs are widely available and offer competitive pay, merely may not be platonic for everyone. The long stretches away from domicile may be unappealing. If you don't get along well with your partner, it can be an unnecessarily stressful chore.

If you don't mind beingness in close quarters with others or existence on the road a lot, team driving tin be a profitable career.

vii. Owner-operator jobs

Prototype: Jim Allen/FreightWaves

Although virtually truckers piece of work directly for a larger trucking company, this isn't the only way to make a living equally a driver. Owner-operators own their trucks and trailers, instead of using equipment belonging to the company, and tin either operate independently or lease to another visitor. This independence comes with college expenses, but could also pay more.

Nigh owner-operators have been in the trucking business for several years before becoming independent. Owning your equipment means having to pay maintenance costs out of pocket, which may be an unattractive prospect to some drivers.

If you tin handle the initial expenses, becoming an owner-operator can pay enough that maintenance becomes less of an outcome.

viii. Private fleets

Prototype: Jim Allen/FreightWaves

Many businesses utilise aircraft services offered by trucking companies, simply some big corporations hire their own drivers. Because they don't have to pay shipping companies, these individual fleets can often afford to pay their drivers a higher bacon.

Non only are these jobs lucrative, just they're also readily available. Walmart employs more truck drivers than any other visitor, with more 8,000 truckers on its payroll. Private fleets often wait more out of their drivers, such equally a cleaner driving record, but offer tempting pay.

9. Mining industry trucking

Image: Jim Allen/FreightWaves

Mining companies require talented drivers to have fabric such as coal safely out of the mines and up to the surface. Sudden movements or bumps could potentially lead to a collapse, so these jobs can be risky. Because of this, mining truck jobs tend to pay well, often falling just backside ice road truckers in terms of compensation for specific tasks.

Discover the best driving job for you

Most of the best-paying trucking jobs involve danger or more than challenging work. If you're willing to have on the challenges, there are enough of profitable positions bachelor.

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