What Is a Debit Card?

It's a class of payment linked to your checking business relationship. Different a credit card, where you lot're borrowing money from a fiscal institution, a debit menu extracts dollars that you already have directly from the bank.

Your bank or credit matrimony will typically give y'all one when you open up a checking business relationship, and y'all tin can use information technology anywhere a credit card is accepted. Just similar a CC, you run your debit bill of fare at the point of sale when you make a purchase. Y'all are typically required to enter a four-digit Pivot, which you lot set upward when y'all activate your carte. Depending on the merchant, you might exist able to request cash dorsum at the register. For an online transaction, you enter your card number, expiration engagement, security code, and billing address at checkout. You can too use your debit card to withdraw greenbacks from ATM machines.

You can't technically load money onto a debit menu because your available funds simply reflect what's in the bank. To heave your balance, you need to deposit more coin into your checking account. Keep in mind that most debit cards accept a spending limit, which might be less than the total in your checking account.

What Are the Benefits of a Debit Card?

There are enough of perks. They're easy to use, convenient, and more secure than conveying cash. They also mitigate your risk of going into debt: Since you're restricted to spending only what'south in your account, it's unlikely for shopping to spiral out of command. A handful of debit cards even offer rewards, such every bit one pct cash back on purchases.

And if your credit score isn't great or you don't have an established credit history, a debit card tin be a prissy option. There's no credit cheque necessary—every bit long as yous've got a bank account, you tin can get a carte.

Are There Any Drawbacks to Using a Debit Card?

Really, yep. For one affair, even though overspending is less of an issue with a debit bill of fare than a credit card, a greenbacks diet is your best bet if you lot're serious nearly buckling down on your budget. A University of Maryland study found that people shell out more when they pay with any grade of plastic, compared to forking over actual dollars.

Some other problem is that debit cards aren't accepted everywhere. For case, some rental machine agencies and hotels require a credit card in order to make a reservation.

Plus, debit cards don't offer equally much protection equally credit cards exercise. If you detect fraudulent activity or an error, your liability could exist unlimited, depending on when you lot study it to your banking company. With a credit card, yous're liable for a max of just $50. And since debit card transactions are extracted immediately from your business relationship, you have less ability if at that place's a dispute with a merchant compared to credit cards, where funds aren't delivered to the vendor until the end of the billing cycle.

In addition, while it might exist helpful that credit score isn't a gene in issuing consumers a debit menu, the flip side is that a debit card won't help yous build credit. In fact, for people who have overdraft protection (more on this later), there'south an added risk: If yous overdraw your business relationship and are late repaying the negative residuum, the debt might be sent to a collections agency (typically after 180 days of nonpayment)—and your score will take a hit.

1 final consideration is the fees you might rack up with a debit card. To start with, there is oft a charge for using an ATM automobile not associated with your bank—an average of $4.72, a contempo survey found.

Then there are overdraft charges. When you outset open your bill of fare, you lot'll be given the option to sign up for overdraft protection. This means that if you lot endeavour to make a transaction that exceeds the money in your checking account, the banking concern will however process the sale—for a fee of about $34, according to the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB).


Should I Go Overdraft Protection?

Overdraft protection can be convenient but costly. If you make up one's mind to opt out of information technology, and and so attempt to spend more than than y'all have, your carte will be declined. Embarrassing and annoying? Sure, especially if the purchase is something you really need. But ultimately it won't hurt your bottom line.

Where overdraft fees tin can really get y'all in trouble is if you overdraw without realizing it. Let's say you lot use your debit card to pay for a $25 oil alter, merely there'south only $xv in your business relationship. If y'all have overdraft protection, the transaction will go through and your banking concern will charge you a $34 fee. If you're not keeping rails of your residual, y'all might assume yous nevertheless have cash in your business relationship. So you lot buy a $3 coffee—and are docked $34 again. Y'all pay your monthly $nine Netflix subscription—another $34 fee. Then you lot spend $xv on groceries; you're charged $34 more. All in all, you racked up $52 worth of purchases—and are out an additional $132 in fees. The CFPB estimates that consumers who overdraw their account 10 or more than times a year pay an boilerplate of $380 in annual fees, the majority incurred on purchases of $24 or less.

What'southward the Difference Between a Debit Card and a Prepaid Bill of fare?

Dissimilar a debit menu, a prepaid bill of fare is not continued to your checking account. Y'all buy it either online or at a retailer, like a grocery store, drug store, or gas-station convenience shop. After registering your card, you can use it to pay for things the same style you would a debit card—except y'all're drawing down from the card balance instead of your banking concern account.

Wondering what happens when you lot've used upwardly all the cash on the carte du jour? Prepaid gift cards (besides chosen closed-loop cards) are not-reloadable: Yous purchase them with a sure dollar value already loaded onto the carte, and swipe until the balance is $0. After that, y'all can't add together on more than coin.

Reloadable, or open-loop, cards allow you to add funds—either by using greenbacks at a retail location, arranging a direct deposit from your paycheck, setting up a PayPal transfer, or purchasing a "reload pack." Similar a debit card, you lot can too apply reloadable cards to withdraw money from ATM machines or a bespeak of sale.

Reloadable cards feature some of the aforementioned benefits as debit cards. They don't crave a credit check (although they don't build credit either), and some offer cash-back rewards or points. While yous're protected from unauthorized charges and errors (as long as you study it promptly), information technology is easier for thieves to have advantage of prepaid cards than debit cards since you lot don't have to enter in a Pivot.

Ane major difference between the two: You don't have to worry about overdraft charges with prepaid cards. That said, they're notwithstanding money vampires. According to the CFPB, mutual costs include an initiation fee, a fixed monthly fee, transaction fees, ATM fees, balance research fees, a fee to reload funds, an inactivity fee, a fee if y'all use your carte du jour to pay a bill, a fee to receive monthly statements in the mail—the list goes on. The fees tend to be small (a survey found that they averaged $5.fourscore a month) but another report revealed that 7 out of 10 cards did not disclose their fees upfront.

Too expert to keep in mind: If you're on a tight budget, a prepaid card can be more than effective than a debit card because you can't spend more what's on the menu. For instance, if you want to limit shopping to $100 a week, you can put that amount on your card every Monday and when it'south gone, it'due south gone.

The lesser line is, do your homework. Before opening a checking business relationship or signing up for a prepaid card, compare a few bill of fare options to see how the fees and benefits stack upward, and take the time to really read the fine print.

This article contains the electric current opinions of the author, but not necessarily those of Acorns. Such opinions are subject to change without discover. This commodity has been distributed for educational purposes simply and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of whatever particular security, strategy or investment product. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.